National Centre for Creative Health (NCCH) Tender - Production of Creative Health Resources Brief
The below are separate commissions, but we welcome bids to one or both. These will be NCCH-branded products (potentially jointly with other organisations), but these are not corporate communications products – they are selling the benefits of creative health to people throughout the health and care sector.
Promotional collateral/digital copy - Creative health in action
Research and write a series of new communications products for NCCH to promote the proven benefits of creative health to health and care organisations, and their service users. Audiences could include (for example):
Creative Health working for Primary Care
Creative Health and Public Health
Creative Health in Mental Health Trusts
Creative Health within Integrated Care Systems
A final topic list will be agreed, but we anticipate around 15 such ‘one-pagers’ – around 400-500 words each. The supplier will work with us to advise on and agree a consistent format, eg headings, structure, use of data and case studies, etc.
Available fee: up to £6,000 (+VAT where charged), incorporating research, copywriting and required edits, ongoing client liaison and all expenses.
How to use creative health guides
These will be practical, next steps products, printable/for sharing as PDFs, as one- or two-page documents, and also for use as website content (on-page copy). Shorter and more focussed than the full Creative Health Toolkit content, organised by:
Audience, eg for Commissioners, Secondary or Primary Care clinicians, DPHs/Public Health teams
Purpose, eg embedding into clinical pathways, system-wide strategies
You will work with us to agree a format (structure, headings) and copy length, expected to be 500-700 words each. You will liaise with NCCH staff and external consultants as required. A final topic list will be agreed but we anticipate a maximum of 10 How to Guides will initially be required.
Available fee: up to £4,000 (+VAT where charged), incorporating research, copywriting and required edits, ongoing client liaison and all expenses.
NCCH has a wealth of video content, which is primarily in long-form content. You will receive original/existing video material and edit into a series of shorter videos. You will not be required to capture new content. We will agree in advance the total number of short-form videos required including topics, purpose and channels.
We will also look to request user- or organisation-generated video from partners and people working in public health, and you will input technical advice and tips on how they should capture video for editing purposes, and support with content briefs.
You will edit existing and new footage to create 15 or 90 seconds videos with clips/interviews/stories highlighting where and how creative health has benefited wider health and care outcomes, and in some instances where it has benefited individuals: short case studies of patients/service users of creative health themselves, and practitioners who have delivered the activity describing the results.
You will work with us to agree appropriate/consistent visuals including typefaces, intro and outro styles and graphics, and advise on added value or varied options (eg voiceovers).
We will agree the total number and length of videos and content, but we expect around 10-14 videos in total, comprising a mix of 90-second films and 15-second social media clips. We will work with you to identify the key source material videos and purpose/messaging for each video. You will be responsible for identifying speaking and visual clips that best convey the required messaging and editing these into final content.
Available fee: £5,000 (exclusive of VAT) is available including all reviewing and editing and production of content, reworking, meetings and ongoing client liaison.
Tone and language
All materials should be in Plain English and fully accessible. They should be tailored to health and care professionals – showing that NCCH and creative health are relevant, credible, and will benefit work and their patients, service users and the wider population.
These products must be impactful and meaningful. It is very important to the target audience to show clear evidence of the impact of creative health on tackling their challenges, issues and helping improve outcomes - and this evidence will be a key element of the content.
Knowledge, skills and experience required
The successful individual/agency will have demonstrable experience and expertise in the technical requirements and skills for copywriting and/or video editing and production respectively to meet the needs of the relevant briefs.
You are likely to have experience of communications and in particular producing similar products for use within the health and care sector (eg NHS, Public Health, Social Care) or comparable public, private or third sector environments. You will understand the core purpose and outcomes of these communications products.
You will be flexible, pragmatic and creative, and work with us flexibly and collegiately (we are a small charity) to produce outstanding materials that make a real difference to our goals.
Please read the full Tender Brief, download here >>
Tender Response
Please respond by email. Your response should be concise and include information as follows. Please produce separate submissions for either one or both of Parts 1 (Copywriting) and Part 2 (Video editing and production).
Your name
Your organisation, including company details as appropriate
Full contact details
A short outline of how you would approach the project and work with us (no more than 250 words), and why we should select you for this work (250 words maximum)
Your proposed fee for the project
Evidence and examples of similar projects/work undertaken
Two references we can contact (with your advance permission) including their name, job title, organisation and relevance to this work.
We would also appreciate it if you could complete the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion form at the start of your application.
Schedule for responses and contracting
Please respond by email to: by 11am on Wednesday 19 March 2025
Interviews if required will be held during the period: 20-24 March 2025
Contracts to be agreed and signed off by Monday 31 March 2025
Initial briefing meeting for each project will be scheduled during late March/early April 2025, and ongoing liaison including at least one formal update meeting as require
Delivery of resources by 5pm on 16 May 2025
If you have any queries, please contact NCCH Programme Manager Jayne Howard: