Social media. Crazy time-thief or outstanding direct to customer communications channel? After reviewing over 500 client social media accounts I can tell you it's most definitely both. But how can you be sure that your organisation has a social media strategy that's delivering the best possible ROI and not just tying staff up in endless tweets, posts and pointless DMs?
Review. review. review. Your strategy, your campaigns, your interactions, your performance and most importantly? The returns.
Take a look at the top 12 social media learning points infographic I've pulled together using data from those 500 reviews. Check it against your own performance. Are you making the same mistakes? Missing the same opportunties? If so, it's time to think about kicking off a social media review of your own.
If that feels like too big a beast to wrestle, comms2point0 can help with that. Drop Darren a line if you want to talk more about making that happen.