post-its and death, tax discs and behavioural science: how #commsforchange14 made me a better comms person

#CommsForChange14 was created to be a leading event for communications professionals dealing with change in the public sector today.  But how did it pan out as a learning experience?

By Darren Caveney

We are often told that change is the new constant. But I have been communicating change ever since I entered the industry about a hundred years ago. You’ll be exactly the same. Change isn’t new and neither is communicating it.

So, we should be really good at it by now? Err, actually, not necessarily so.

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digital communicators: we are the change agents

Digital comms has a perfect way that it can demonstrate it's worth. They can help tranform services. That's a bit exciting.

by Kathy Kyle

Among the many topics discussed at this year’s Communications Camp (@commscamp | #commscamp13), the one that resonated most with me was how to best demonstrate the value of digital communications. If we can’t measure our impact as communicators, how can we influence and transform our organisations?

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