so, what can the communications industry learn from jamie vardy?

Ah, the Premier League. It's all about the top four and the £50 million signing, isn't it? Actually, no. Unglamorous Leicester City's striker Jamie Vardy scored in 11 consecutive matches to equal a top flight record that had stood since the 1930s. And he can teach comms people lots.

 by Eva Duffy

Leicester City footballer Jamie Vardy ends 2015 having made history by becoming the first Premier League player to score in 11 consecutive games. 

The 28-year-old striker’s backstory is one of slowburning graft from non-league football to the Premier League and his first England cap at an age when most professionals in the beautiful game are planning their exit strategy via a coaching qualification, semi-retirement in America or a career in televised banter. So what can we in the communication sector learn from the Foxes’ record-breaking golden boy?

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it’s the most wonderful time of the year: unawards 2015

There was real celebratory feel about the UnAwards15, which we’re pretty pleased about because that’s exactly what we hoped to achieve.

By Darren Caveney

The UnAwards15 saw 140 colleagues from across the industry descend on the very cool Everyman Cinema in Birmingham last Thursday. The mood was one of big event excitement - Christmas party meets trip to a posh cinema mixed with lashing of great communicators celebrating one another’s work.

Holding the UnAwards at Christmas is deliberate too – we wanted to add a little festive sparkle to the proceedings.

We’re a tad biased but we felt the whole day was a little bit special.

Sitting watching the fabulous Planes, Trains and Automobiles with what felt like a great big group of pals was pretty amazing. The film had a whole bunch of relevant messages and takeaways (and if you have ever watched the movie remember – ‘never assume you are cuddling a pillow’)

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it's time to talk about email: great new guidance launched

If email isn’t part of your communications strategy then now is the time to factor it in. The Local Government Association have drawn-up some excellent guidance right here - and we've contributed.

by David Holdstock

Emails may have been around for a long time but this technology is seeing a revival among council communicators across the country. And it’s easy to see why. With budget pressures and demands on local services continuing to rise, communications budgets are being stretched – so savvy comms professionals are turning their hands to this cost-effective tool.

There’s a strong business case for using email: research from GovDelivery shows that email is a useful way to increase your online audience, reduce call volumes and increase online transactions. So if email isn’t currently part of your wider communications strategy, then it is definitely time to re-think this.

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crisis comms: it's about people not processes

People often argue about the definition of what's a crisis and what's an emergency. That's maybe missing the point. This post highlights the really important thing - how it affects people.

by Christine Townsend

Having been asked to be part of the judging panel for the UnAwards is a real honour for me. Seeing colleagues and fellow comms people work hard in the public sector is always heartening and I'm proud to count myself amongst their number.

The crisis comms category sits comfortably with me as it's where my experiences lie. For once, I want to be comfortable and not challenged - this is something I'm enjoying doing without running on adrenalin, squinting at a screen, getting wet whilst plastic tape flickers in the background and I'm trying desperately to get reception on my mobile. I've had sleep, I've eaten a meal that consists more of a soggy sandwich and countless donuts and I'm ready to go. 

However, this made me wonder what a crisis really is and seeing the entrants has done exactly the opposite of what I was looking forward to - challenge me. Or rather, challenge my perceptions of what a crisis is. 

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let them tweet cake: why its not ict's job to police social media

It's still a problem. Still. Blocking social media for staff. Sometimes there's good reason for some departments. Often, there's not. This post by an experienced head of ICT and consultant will help you knock the false arguments out of the park. 

by Martin Sadler

I presented an ICT strategy report to a local government Cabinet about 5 years ago but before I was allowed to start, one of the cabinet members began with a news update;

“It said on the news this morning that YouTube, Twitter and Facebook are merging” she said. “It’s going to be called YouTwitFace”.

Now it was not a new joke even then, and as true words are often spoken in jest it signaled the presence of social media and almost it’s arrival in the public sector as a “thing”.

 A call to action for ICT managers to embrace and love social media.

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#unawards15 – the shortlist

Well that was fun.

Yesterday saw the end of our public vote and the announcement of the #UnAwards15 shortlist. I went slightly bog-eyed watching it all unfold but we now know the runners and riders in all 15 categories.

By Darren Caveney

Over 140 entries poured into the UnAwards15 from across the UK and from as far afield as Norway.

Central government, local government, NHS, Police, Housing, Fire, Higher Education, third sector and the agency world all took part and our 14 external judges have had quite a task in getting down to our final shortlist.

The standard of your entries this year has been high. We know this because some of our judges are hard to impress, But impressed they were.

Our love and respect for this fabulous comms, PR, marketing and digital community, which we all exist in, just grows and grows and thank you so much for supporting the #UnAwards15.

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internal communicators: here’s your guide to employee engagement, zombie style


by Caroline Roodhouse

There’s been some spine tingly spooky goings-on down at Alive HQ as we’ve gathered together the latest stats, advice and best practice on all things employee engagement, and put it all together in this up-to-the-minute zombie tribute.

Peculiar irregularities…

According to widespread survey results across a stack of organisations, employee engagement rates are regularly coming in at 70% and above. That’s not to be sniffed at. BUT, the CIPD 2015 Employee Outlook Survey indicated that the employee engagement index within the UK is at just 39%. That’s quite a disparity. So what’s the score? Can we rely on survey results alone? The smart organisations are exploring alternative metrics, examining other areas of the business and considering the potential pitfalls when it comes to engagement surveys. And they’re well aware of what’s causing the problems too.

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the role of mobile user experience in the digital communications plan

Here’s a quantitative look at how user experience and usability can influence user conversion on an organisation’s own website.

by Sarah Gill

The experience of your target audience when interacting with your app or website on a mobile device should be an essential consideration in every digital communications plan.

Users form their emotional reaction to your organisation very quickly and if their information needs aren’t met swiftly, abandonment will surely follow.

Not to be confused with usability, the consideration of the user experience represents a holistic approach to all aspects of a user’s interaction with a business, it’s service and products. User experience and usability are terms often used interchangeably but there are key differences...

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prints not dead: what launching a print magazine taught a digital native

Print is dead, right? Maybe not. On the day the NME became a free sheet available at train stations and TopMan, Louder Than War expanded from their success online and launched as a glossy magazine. Editor of Sarah Lay shares her experience of growing from digital to include print.

by Sarah Lay

The first issue of Louder Than War magazine featured the Stone Roses on the cover and was titled ‘I Wanna Be Adored’. In truth it could have carried another song title from the band, ‘I Am the Resurrection’, and been just as fitting for Louder Than War’s bold move into print.

That’s right, as the increasingly hysterical cry of ‘print is dead’ resounds and on the day that stalwart of the music press NME moved to become a free sheet given out in train stations, Louder Than War made the dauntless move to swim against the tide and launch as a glossy, paid-for, magazine. While that sinks in let me introduce you to Louder Than War properly.

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5 reasons why you should review your communications. And one reason why you won’t.

There’s nothing new in saying that we should review and evaluate work to see what works. It’s obvious and it’s important. The problem is that many of us don’t do it often enough.

By Darren Caveney

The chances of there being a comms person out there today who doesn’t think that reviewing and evaluating their work is important will be tiny.

Yeah, yeah, yeah – we know it’s important, but when there are 10 people asking for my help, three comms plans to write, the phone ringing off the hook and the impacts of a comms team which has been cut in half it’s a lot easier said than done.

Sound familiar? Yep, me too.

Amongst the many things I learned in 10 years of leading comms teams it’s that standing back and taking a good hard look at your work is 1. Absolutely vital, and 2. Something of a luxury to do often and well. Like wanting a brand new car but settling for paying the bare minimum to get the old car through another year’s MOT (and that sounds familiar too)

With the consultancy work I have been doing with comms2point0 I have had the incredible opportunity to review a dozen organisation’s communications activity in microscopic detail. This is fascinating work and I thoroughly engross myself in the detail of these reviews. They tell stories and give clear indicators to the ‘what should we do next?’ question.

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real time marketing: the trendy tightrope

Real time marketing couldn't exist without the internet. Its brands and organisations responding to events as they happen. But for the public sector? Actually, yes.

by Julie Waddicor

I was lucky enough to go to a PRCA conference recently, and was hugely inspired by Neil Kleiner of Golin who talked about real time marketing (RTM) and his company’s success in using it for a range of brands. He talked about the background processes that go on before they put something live on social media: the checking for brand fit, they way they ensure they aren’t bandwagon jumping, the basics of making sure that you actually know what is trending and why.

Right then, I thought, let’s see if we can do some of that. My very supportive, tolerant and brave boss has given it the go ahead. I’m talking to my team about it and starting to work out the background processes, templates and sign off processes that will make it a reality. At the same time, my hugely talented and switched-on colleague Russ Gethings has been picking up examples of RTM across platforms. He found the noble efforts of both the Department for Work and Pensions and Surrey Police on Back to the Future Day, and they are great examples of what works and what doesn’t. Russ has written a great blog about it on the Knowledge Hub, and I’ve summarised my thoughts and our discussions here.

Back to the Future day on the October 21 was huge on social, and brands across the world capitalised on it. At 8.31am the DWP’s Press Office account tweeted a picture of the delorean car with its doors open and the monster mascot sticking its head out. The tweet read ‘Pensions? Where we are going we don’t need pensions’ and the picture has the text ‘erm actually, you do’ and a web address. 67 people favourited it, and 163 retweeted. Many, many people were unimpressed. The negative comments fell in to two camps. The first was political, an example response being ‘I appreciate you’re just the marketing people, but maybe save stuff like this for when your dept. Isn’t letting people die?’. The second camp was the embarrassing dad dancing / please stop group: an example tweet being ‘Are you booked in to a school to do a rap about it too?’ Questions were asked about social media training, campaign costs and copyright infringement. It didn’t go well, and I suspect the DWP Comms team felt a bit burnt by it.

Contrast that with Surrey police, who at 7am tweeted a picture of an officer with a speed gun photographing two trails of fire going up a road. The text read ‘Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads’ But 88 in a 30 gets you points and a fine in all timelines’. 3,549 favourites and 5,081 retweets, and almost uniformly positive comments including ‘That’s a fair cop. And a great tweet’ and ‘Best tweet I’ve seen all morning. Well played boys’.

So why did one work and one didn’t? Social media is incredibly fickle, and it is easy to put a foot off the tightrope. It probably comes down to slightly poor judgement around brand fit and jumping on a bandwagon. Back to the Future day was cool and cult, and the DWP aren’t. The trend just doesn’t fit with their brand position. Also, one of the warnings from Golin was not to jump on bandwagons. If your product has no link with what is trending, don’t jump on it. The DWP jumped, and got burnt as a result. Surrey Police do fit: their tone was clearly that of authority, and they have a clear link to speeding enforcement.  Hence, theirs worked, and the DWPs didn’t.

It’s a judgement call, and a scary one at that. It’s certainly been a really useful lesson while we work out how to do RTM as a council. For me it’s about the background protocols, no bandwagons and brand fit. But my, it’s a tightrope to walk. We will get it wrong sometimes. Hopefully we’ll get it right sometimes too. It’ll be exciting to try.

Julie Waddicor is campaigns and internal communications manager at Staffordshire County Council.

Picture credit.

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your website... who cares?

The Likeaword Consultancy report into council websites throws up some fascinating data. You can learn more in SOCITM's revamped Better Connected website which you can look at council websites authority-by-authority.

 by Vicky Sargent

According very recent data collected and published by the Likeaword consultancy, there were 658,544,076 visits to local government websites in Great Britain in the year to 31 July 2015.

That’s 10.5 visits for every woman, man and child in our population, and by any measure a lot of people ‘visiting the council’ and forming opinions about it, through the website.

Do those running local authorities care enough about the sort of experience these huge numbers of visitors are having? Do they appreciate the sheer numbers involved? Or the pressing need to getting even more people doing their council stuff online?

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big numbers on council websites: a guide for comms folk

A major piece of insight on council websites has been published by Ben Proctor of the Likeaword Consultancy. The numbers are impressive... more than 10 visits for every man, woman and child in the UK. But what do they mean for local government comms people? Isn't that just the web teams job? Actually, no. We asked Ben to interpret.

by Ben Proctor 

The report in question which you can read here is an analysis of some key data points about visits to local authority websites in Great Britain. I asked every council for a small number of figures about visits to their websites and drawn some conclusions as a result.

It’s not all about the websites (except it is)

I am very aware that comms these days isn’t about getting hits on your website. It’s about digital engagement, community development, Instagram and SnapChat.

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#unawards15: a public vote, the shortlist and attending one cool event

The #UnAwards15. It's a chance to celebrate some fabulous work and people across our industry. There's lots to tell you so read on...

By Darren Caveney


We are just getting our breath back from working our way through the mountain of UnAwards entries we’ve received. And we thank each and every one of you for that.

The standard of your entries this year is very high and it has been fascinating looking through your work - the challenges you face and the creative solutions you have found to tackle them. We’re impressed.

We have entries from as far afield as Norway. And, interestingly, the top four most popular categories were ‘best creative comms’, ‘best internal comms’, ‘best use of video’ and ‘best low cost/free work’. The creativity and sheer breadth of your work has been a real treat to be able to delve into.


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