5 challenges for students' union comms

Were you a student? You may remember a blizzard of flyers and posters from ther Students' Union. But in a changing landscape where 95 per cent have smartphones one comms person tells of the challenges she faces. 

by Jo Walters

Students’ unions which are also known as guilds or associations are democratic student-led organisations based in every UK university and many further education colleges.

Students are automatically members of their students’ union - unless they chose to opt out - and unions provide a mixtures of services and opportunities for their members.

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signs of health: ill or good?

How are you today? In good health? Health is massively important, to everyone. And communications is a vital if relatively recent professional function in the NHS. So why is it that it is often misunderstood, ignored or mistreated?

By Alan Taman

There are many PRs whose employers or clients misunderstand what PR is. The role of the PR then includes education about the realities of the profession and the process. But it is ironic that, to most health professionals, the communications function as it relates to public relations is something they are unfamiliar with.

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even newspaper editors are ditching the press release

 If there's one thing that guarantees debate it's the future of the press release question. Thing is, while PR people are talking newspaper people have started to quietly turn away from it.

by Eddie Coates-Madden

I missed the apparently now annual @commscamp dust up over the Press Release this year. 

I may have inadvertently started it and run away last year, and I think I was supposed to kick off a brawl about it at an LGComms fringe event last year too, but sort of declined. Sort of. 

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think digital: 10 principles

Increasingly, we're hearing the word 'digital' being bandied about. But what in practice do comms teams need to know? And how should they be thinking differently? 

by Dave Briggs

At various events and in various meetings lately, I have found myself saying the same things.

It’s all about thinking digital, and not just doing digital. It’s acknowledging that the real benefits of digital ways of doing things lie not just in the tools we use, but how we use them, and the attitude we bring to our work.

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self-publishing tips by a dj turned comms pro

In the olden days you had to type a manuscript and send it round. Not any longer. You can self-publish. But how hard is it? Pretty straight forward as this comms professional shows.

by Andy Holmes

Let’s talk well-trodden paths.

Actor turned singer?

Player turned manager?

How about journalist turned PR turned author?

If I’m the only one, I’m a Dutchman, but perhaps my story will inspire those who have always wanted to write a book?

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using snapchat in charity comms

Snapchat is a growing social media platform beloved of young people. Snapchats are pictures with a line of text and are meant to be disposable. But how can PR and comms use it?

Snapchat, here today…gone in 10 seconds?

I recently wrote this article for @GuardianVoluntary about how charities can make use Snapchat to their advantage, alongside some of the things to look out for.

The article came about because of an opportunity we took when WalesOnline announced they had started using Snapchat. They have been developing Newsroom 3.1, and as part of that they are experimenting with the Snapchat app.

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trust me, pr is dead: welcome to the progressive corporate future

There is a lot of thinking right now about what the role of PR is in the future. In this guest post, one PR veteran explains why he has turned author to set out his ideas for the future as he re-thinks what the sector must look like. This may be uncomfortable reading for some.

by Robert Phillips 

My forthcoming book, “Trust Me, PR Is Dead” has attracted a lot of chatter in social media, since the first article appeared last summer. It charts the fall of Public Relations and the rise of Public Leadership: activist, co-produced, citizen-centric and society-first.

It calls for new measurement and accountability metrics, based on Public Value, which will be unique to every organisation that develops them.

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music2point0 - your essential summer playlist

by Darren Caveney

So there I was sourcing insightful comms links on a Thursday evening, when I put out a tweet asking for a cool summer tune for our Friday song of the day. What resulted was, in no time at all, a crowd-sourced list of not one but 22 summer tunes. Some of them absolute belters.

I'm considering re-branding to music2point0 and I figured that this should be an essential summer playlist.

So here’s the list.


Summer Fun by The Barracudas for @sarahlay

The Night by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons for @Cal444

Summer Breeze by The Isley Brothers for @Gemma_Finnegan

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to strike or not strike? a comms dilemma

A strike is likely to take place on July 10 in local government and comms people will have some hard thinking to do. In this post one professional thinks aloud over the difficult choice they face.

by A Local Government Comms Person

Sitting at the heart of a local authority within a corporate comms team often brings about conflict between the decisions and policies of the organisation and your personal views. However, it is the job of the professional to separate the two, and to present the organisation in the best possible light, enhancing, preserving or defending its reputation. 

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barbie has joined linkedin... shouldn't you? shouldn't your daughter?

The size and reach of LinkedIn has reached a tipping point with Barbie now joining. Is this a positive message to girls? And to all of us? 

by Karen Steel

Barbie has joined LinkedIn. That’s right. The pneumatic blonde (or sometimes brunette) with the unlikely proportions has her own showcase page under the Mattel company account which details her 55-year career encompassing more than 150 jobs (currently she describes herself as ‘entrepreneur’ and the role is said to be inspired by Sheryl Sandberg).

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#HousingDay 12.11.14

Taking a leaf out of brands using ‘real life’ human stories, it’s time housing collectively hits back with some of its own...

Smashing perceptions - hitting back with real life stories

by Adrian Capon

Tackling negative stereotypes and perceptions is complex and long-term. Recent TV portrayal has seen stigma entrenched for people living in social and council housing. With so much media popularity focussed on this - what about creating a programme hearing from people who do amazing work?

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step back and look at the view

We're all so busy racing around trying to get good at the latest 'next big thing' that sometimes we forget to take a step back...

by GUEST EDITOR Nic Davies Uley

Working in communications, reading about communications, communicating about communications, it can all get a bit too much. If working for myself has taught me one thing, it’s to step back and look at the view.

But you can’t look at the view, unless you take the step back.

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don't worry about dumbing down, worry about dumbing up

Do we need to apologise for making things jargon-free and easy to understand...? One comms professional has just drawn a line in the sand.

by Jon Matthias

I’ve decided I’m not going to apologise any more for ‘dumbing down’. And I’m going to be less tolerant when people start ‘dumbing up’.

We have two challenges as communicators - to both be heard and be understood. Simplicity is the key to people understanding what we say. Clarity and brevity are our friends.

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survey launch: the death of organic reach on social media

If you work in digital comms you'll be aware of a storm coming down the path. It's about Facebook. What you post may not be seen unless you have an advertising budget to help promote it. We're launching a survey with the nice people at Deeson Creative on social media and advertising. We'd love you to take part in it. But first here's a take on where we are and where we are headed.

by Emily Turner 

How many people have told you that they’ve seen a tail off of engagement on Facebook and that fail-safe images no longer bring forth the plethora of likes, shares and comments they used to?

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